Our Modular Building Pricing in on the GSA Advantage e Library
GSA oversees the business of the U.S. federal government. Since 1949, it has been GSA's mission to help agencies better serve the public by meeting - at best value - their needs for products and services, and to simplify access to information. Under the GSA Schedules (also referred to as Multiple Award Schedules and Federal Supply Schedules) Program, GSA establishes long-term government wide contracts with commercial firms to provide access to over 11 million commercial supplies (products) and services that can be ordered directly from GSA Schedule contractors or through the GSA Advantage!® online shopping and ordering system.
Modular Genius is a GSA Schedule Contract Holder GS-07F-0124W. Please contact us at GSA@modulargenius.com or call 888-420-1113 to discuss your requirements.
Modular Genius, Inc. offers green modular buildings to the Federal government utilizing our GSA Contract GS-07F-0124W. Our modular buildings are on the GSA Schedule 56 - BUILDINGS AND BUILDING MATERIALS/INDUSTRIAL SERVICES AND SUPPLIES. The products and services we offer are in categories under FSC 54 - PRE-ENGINEERED/PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES and as follows.
Category 361-10E: Pre-Engineered and Prefabricated Buildings and Structures for Professional Facility Solutions
Category 361-50: Lease/rental of Pre-Engineered/Prefabricated Buildings and Structures
Category 361-32: Installation and Site Preparation for Pre-Engineered/Prefabricated Buildings and Structures